I was on a project yesterday (Mall Cop) which was a nice experience and worked with nice people. What amazed some people is that there were a few no-shows, what I had said to them is don't be too surprised because this happens more than you think. When that happens that screws a lot of people up first the production because they are expecting their numbers for that day, and people that actually wanted to work that day. So if you can't make it on that project for any reason please call the casting director the day prior so they can fill in your spot. It's the best thing you can do in that situation to still be good with the casting directors and the production.
I hope you had submitted your comment to the Boston SAG office months ago when this kind of input was requested of all members. A meeting for soliciting this kind of input - scheduled at the Park Plaza Hotel - had to be cancelled. Only one person RSVP'd.