SAG Strike close to NOT happening :)

I am hearing this morning that since AFTRA is getting things done with Hollywood, it looks as if SAG might follow suit and prevent a strike. If this happens all systems go for the roll of films to continue in MASS on schedule.


Anonymous said…
AFTRA has sense, now only if the SAG leadership showed that it had some sense.
Anonymous said…
Just what is Rosenberg trying to prove? He's proving to be a bully and an idiot.
Anonymous said…
SAG should just take what's being offered to them. Back in the 1920s actors worked for food and were completely happy with it. Then this union crap started and it's been down hill ever since. Rosenberg needs a wake up call, actors are lucky to be paid at all!Seeing yourself on screen is all the payment you need. You don't put up money to make the movie or take any risks so why do you need higher pay than is being offered? Give me a break! On a brighter note, I'll be announcing an open casting call for my film soon. :)
Anonymous said…
The only thing I would like to see improved is the mileage allowance and car allowance. Everything else looks good. Now let's get back to work!
Anonymous said…
As of today, Friday, it looks like Rosenberg and his LA crowd are still going to push for a strike. God help us, what is wrong with them!?
Anonymous said…
This is really casting a shadow on the SAG Hollywood leadership. The rest of us want to work we are not wealthy like they are.
Anonymous said…
Improved mileage allowance and car allowance are both out of the question. Again, actors should be happy to be paid at all.
Anonymous said…
I have had both pricipal and extra work, to the poster who says actors should be glad to be paid. YES WE ARE! However we have not had a raise in five years, I'm sure at your job all hell would break loose if this was the case. That being said the main point for me is an increase in background pay and the use of SAG actors when available.
Anonymous said…
To the person who wants "Improved mileage allowance and car allowance" --

I hope you had submitted your comment to the Boston SAG office months ago when this kind of input was requested of all members. A meeting for soliciting this kind of input - scheduled at the Park Plaza Hotel - had to be cancelled. Only one person RSVP'd.

Anonymous said…
The issue of the improved mileage request is known/has been by the SAG Boston office.

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