A Message To Stage Parents: Listen To Your Kids..They Might Not Like This Business

Look I am a parent and I see certain things in my son that says that kid's has talent. Not in this industry but possibly in construction and oddly enough cooking. Even though I might see it and I can make him recognize it, it doesn't mean I am going to force it on him if he doesn't want to do it. When it comes to this industry...man it's annoying issue. I was on a set not too long ago where it was just a typical long day. There were kids ranging from 10 to 15yrs old, and they really didn't get to work until the 9th hour per say. Now in the morning it was all exciting that they were on a movie set, and all that stuff. But eventually they got bored and wanted to leave, the parents were not having any of that. Sad. The parent indicated they they were to stay and wait no matter how long it takes because you are "talented". This kid was so upset that it caused a huge scene. Eventually someone finally spoke up and just said "don't force the issue if they don't want to do it". I guess this parent finally realized what she was doing, got a bit embarrassed and took this persons advice. I mean come on already, they are children and we have to respect their wishes.


Anonymous said…
As a parent of a teenage actor I could not agree more.We have met all types on the sets he has been on. Some of these parents seem to be living "their: dream through their child.One of the best things we did was educate ourselves about the buisness. A great resource for this is the Bizparentz foundation. This non profit is very helpfull. Any parent of a child actor should check them out at http://www.bizparentz.org/
Anonymous said…
Very good thing to know and this organization should be shared to this community..thank you

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