Changeing Your Professional Name? Not The Best Idea

Once in a blue moon I get an e-mail about my thoughts on actors changing their name in the entertainment industry. Does it happen? Not as much as it once did at one time..most of the names of the more "established" artists have but not these days. Some people appear to think by changing their name they will be more marketable...first get the jobs and then start thinking about it if you are serious. Just don't go with the "Madonna" type of one name identity, some people get away with it...but most "made up names" are cheesey. I want to point out one thing for those that are considering, watch a recent film's credits and I will bet on most of the names of the actors listed are their real names. Most people change their names because they are too "ethnic" sounding..this might surprise most of you..that's in and more marketable than ever. Keep in mind if you do change your name and you stick with it for years and realize it doesn't work..then basically you start right from the bottom again when you go back to your real name. Make smart choices...because it's how you market yourself that counts.


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