People taking pictures on set..
This is starting to become a big problem on set as of late. As we all know when we start a job we are specifically told no cameras, among other things. This happens prior to booking and we are reminded prior to the working day. We all know that because it is just given that we know what the rules are. Now the conterversey is people are snapping shots of actors while on set while we are working. That is a huge no-no, but even more so those people are taking those shots and putting them on facebook, myspace, and twitter, that's just not smart. This is because the people that hire you and tell you the specific rules on set are also "your friends" on these social networks and now you are caught "red-handed". So be know clearly when you are on set you are working and they (the film) are expecting you to act professional. Remember you represent yourself and more so the acting community of NE.